Alyse & Burt // Altadena Backyard Wedding


Six years ago, Burt and Alyse walked down the aisle as Maid of Honor & Best Man for Alyse’s twin brother and Burt’s best friend Alex’s wedding. Because of Alex, they spent time together and knew of each other for many years, but besides a few glances, neither were willing to break the rules about “dating your best friend’s sister” or “dating your brother’s best friend.” In fact, it wasn’t until 5 years later, in August 2018, that sparks finally flew between them.

After getting too close for a photo and attending a few of the same parties, Alyse & Burt irreversibly connected. It didn’t take long for them to realize that they were each other’s “person.” In fact, they got married after only about a year together. When you know, you just know!

Alyse and Burt’s entire wedding day felt 100% true to who they are as people, as they did everything their own way and ignored traditions that were not important to them. It was a relaxed, no-stress affair with oodles of personality and tons of beautiful DIY elements. Almost every part of the wedding was a labor of love—Alyse and her mom worked to make hundreds of dainty succulent decorations, from the table cards to the drift wood centerpieces, and Alyse baked about 1,000+ (please know I am not exaggerating) unbelievably delicious treats for a dessert spread unlike any I’d ever seen before!!! As a food stylist, and a generally trendy queen, Alyse knew how to make a wedding aesthetically stunning and seamless. Taking place in her mother’s backyard, the day was laid back, personal, and intimate.

Alyse & Burt got ready together and hung out all morning until Alyse got into her dress. Once she was in her gown, the couple shared an emotional first-look on a breezy bridge atop a babbling koi pond in the front yard (say that 10 times fast). When Burt saw Alyse in her dress for the first time, he couldn’t stop looking at her with love-filled wide eyes, occasionally mumbling “mmmm!” at how stunning she looked.

Guests arrived an hour before the ceremony and mingled with the bride and groom, drinking cocktails and eating from delicious charcuterie plates. Alyse had a second (bEaUtifUl) dress she changed into to greet guests before the ceremony. Guests would later sit in chairs surrounding the pool to watch the couple share vows and exchange rings. 

Their ceremony took place in the backyard, and their wedding parties were comprised of only their best friends / family—Alyse’s brother, his wife Grete, and their two adorable daughters. Not to be forgotten, their sweet pup, Gus, walked down the aisle with Burt and stood loyally by his side as they prepared to say  “I do.” Burt’s eyes glowed as his bride walked towards him, visibly trying not to tear up herself. Once she met her groom and handed her sister-in-law her bouquet, Alyse shared sweet and thoughtful vows, and then it was Burt’s turn. Ok. WOW. Burt’s vows were some of the most beautiful words I’d ever heard strung together. He spoke of falling in love with Alyse, about daring to break the “don’t date your best friend’s sister” rule because he couldn’t help but be drawn to her, and of looking forward to the rest of their lives as husband and wife. I told him that if he ever needs to take on extra work, he should be a Ghost Vow Writer. His eloquence and ability to put his adoration for Alyse into text had guests, the bride, and even me in tears. It was clear in the way they spoke about each other that Burt and Alyse are 2,958% meant to be together, and that they were so, so excited to become husband and wife. I know they will spend so many years to come laughing, eating absurdly delicious treats, petting their dog, and enjoying life together.

Their entire wedding had a consistent relaxed, loving, and supportive energy, which was unquestionably a product of the couple and the people who love them. Bringing 200 of their closest family and friends together, many of whom had gathered 6 years prior for the wedding of Alyse’s brother and his wife, the yard was full of people who absolutely adored the couple. I saw each guest become emotionally moved by the vows the couple shared, and later I watched almost everyone enjoy one of the 1,000 desserts… and say something along the lines of, “this is the best wedding ever.” Yes, I watched them all eat dessert because I visited the dessert table a dozen times. Don’t judge me please. I’m weak.

Alyse & Burt are two wonderful souls, both separately as individuals, and now together sharing a last name. Just knowing them for one day and having spoken to Alyse a few times leading up to the wedding, I felt so connected to them and was drawn to their warmth and kindness. Alyse is patient, attentive, talented as heck, and limitlessly caring—she is always making sure that everyone around her is doing well, is fed, and is fully taken care of. Burt is generous, giant-hearted, hilarious, and devoted—it is clear he will go to no end for those he loves, and he’ll definitely pour you a healthy glass of whisky any time. Together, these two are a powerhouse of goodness who most certainly have a lifetime of joy and adventure ahead of them. 

I felt so freakin’ lucky to witness this day and to get to know Alyse and Burt. The entire celebration was a constant “how is this my job and how is this real life” experience, and I am so grateful they let me into their hearts and their world as a part of their wedding.

Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Toepfer. I love ya more than all the desserts I ate at your wedding (and continue to eat because I took 3 bags home).