Elvia & Robert // Thousand Oaks Engagement Session


Elvia and Robert are two fitness-loving, adventure-seeking badasses with one heck of a love story: their history as a couple spans 10 (!!!!) whole years. Let’s dive in.

They met in 2009 while working at 24 Hour Fitness. After a short time, they both moved to different locations and totally lost touch. Several years later, in 2014, Elvia got an offer to open a new location at the same time as Rob was selected as the sales manager for that new gym! The two reconnected, and got to know each other as they worked on the same team for the grand opening.

They spent every single day together, but were in separate relationships and saw each other purely as friends. & time went on…

In 2015, Elvia & Rob had a rare day off of work. They also happened to both be single at the time. On their day off, Rob invited Elvia to go dirt bike riding, and Elvia agreed! Unfortunately, Rob soon realized the bikes weren’t starting, but quickly concocted an alternate plan, and asked Elvia to come over to take his Harley out! She drove to his house, planing to just hang out with her *~friend~*, and together they rode Rob’s Harley to Duke’s in Malibu. Both *allegedly* saw the excursion as a casual outing with a pal, but soon, their friendship evolved into something more. Over just ONE (very nursed) beer, they fell into deep conversation, and the hours flew by. 6 HOURS LATER *SpongeBob Voice* they rode Rob’s Harley back home & went to dinner. And the rest, as they say, is history. 

Elvia and Rob have spent almost every day of the last five years together. Whether they’re exploring the world, grappling in Jiu Jitzu, going on copious illegal / dangerous hikes, or just going about their daily lives at work, they are totally inseparable. A few months ago, on a hike at Bryce Canyon, Rob set up his phone to “take a picture” (but it was recording a video) and popped the question; Elvia enthusiastically said “yes!” 

These two absolutely glow as a couple. During their engagement session, they were so effortless together—making each other laugh, willing to do any silly thing I suggested, and letsbehonest just looking SO DANG GOOD TOGETHER in every frame. I couldn’t take a bad photo of them if I tried, ya’ll. Their love is easy, their spirit is light, and their smiles are BOTH LITERAL DENTIST COMMERCIALS. Meeting & spending time with them was so special, and I am so thrilled for their wedding later this year!