Sarah & Brad // Malibu Engagements


Sarah & Brad met working at COSTCO, aka the happiest place on earth, and got to know each other at the food court over the tastiest pizza & hot dogs in town. If that isn’t a fairytale.. I just don’t know what is.

They found love in a sample-filled place and have been together for over 4 years! Now, Sarah is a NICU nurse and Brad is a mailman (adored by all of the middle aged moms in his postal code). These two are tying the knot this summer, and I was lucky enough to get to know them this week as we romped around El Matador beach in Malibu (as I excitedly hollered at them for an hour about how good looking they are together).

Sarah & Brad are two of the kindest people you’ll ever meet, and are two perfect puzzle pieces together. They joke around & laugh constantly, and are effortlessly fun, hopelessly romantic, and totally laid back around each other. They are a mermaid and a prince inside a fairytale and these photos will show you what I mean..

I cannot WAIT for their wedding next year.