Sarah & Evan // Thousand Oaks Engagement Session


Evan & Sarah met in middle school through their church, and spent years hanging out in the same group of friends. At the beginning of high school, both parties developed a crush on the other, but nothing ever evolved from it since they both kept their admiration a secret.  At times, they considered coming clean about their feelings for the other, but both decided it was safer to stay buddies. 

Fast forward to their senior year: Evan finally decided he was going to ask Sarah to be his date to prom (as friends)! He built up the courage and ended up asking her in front of a bunch of their pals and, awkwardly, also in front of a bunch of their parents. That part did not go as he’d planned. But she did say yes!

The two went to prom by the water on The Queen Mary, and during a particular slow dance, Evan gave Sarah a kiss on the forehead. Confused, (since she thought they were going as friends and did not know Evan had feelings for her), Sarah later ended up asking Evan what the kiss was all about! It was then that they confessed they both had feelings for one another. Soon, with many years of close friendship as their foundation, they started dating.

Their relationship grew and flourished as they went to separate but close by colleges. Once they had both graduated, Evan created a proposal plan: he would return to the scene of the infamous forehead kiss to pop the question. Exactly 5 years after going to prom together, Evan brought Sarah back to the queen Mary & got down on one knee to ask her to be his wife. Luckily, just as she had replied to his prom proposal, she said YES!

Where do I begin talking about how much I adore these two? Evan and Sarah are SUCH fun people to be around, and have a bubbly, easy-going energy about them. Together, they are the most effortlessly hilarious, kind-hearted couple with two equally bright, friendly smiles. They also happen to look like a Disney prince & princess. Separately, Evan brings a warmth & enthusiasm to everything he does, and Sarah brings oodles of sweetness, personality, and a constant stream of giggly laughter. Spending time with them at their best friends’ wedding last summer and more recently, taking THEIR engagement photos, it is easy to see how they are so perfect for one another. I am certain they will have the HAPPIEST life together as husband and wife—laughing and dancing through whatever life throws their way.

I am SO excited for their wedding next summer, I don’t know how I’ll wait half a year!!!