Zoe & Liam // Thousand Oaks Engagement Session


Zoe and Liam have one of the best how-they-met stories of all time so prepare to be #blessed with the tale of their romance.

During their sophomore year of high school, one of Zoe’s friends and one of Liam’s friends began dating. The new couple eventually decided it was time for their group of friends to merge, so they made a plan to get everyone together for a party.  Before the big event, all of the girls went on Facebook to look through the profiles of the boys they were going to meet later on. They *literally* called “dibs” on whichever boy they wanted to talk to. Unbeknownst to them, the boys were doing the very same thing before the party. While the girls were scrolling through the bachelors’ photos, Zoe called “dibs” on Liam. At another house nearby, as the boys scrolled through photos of the ladies, Liam called “dibs” on Zoe. 

When they actually met for the first time at the party, they got along great and connected immediately as friends (but not quite soul mates). Soon after, though, during their junior year of high school, they started dating. They’ve been together ever since.

I couldn’t help but express my total amazement to Liam & Zoe once I heard their love story—the fact that they scoped each other on Facebook when they were teenagers and somehow ACTUALLY found the person they want to spend the rest of their life with is unbelievable to me! I’m just thankful they made better decisions at 16 than I did.

In March 2019, after 8 years of dating, the couple planned a big trip to Iceland. It was their first time out of the country together, and they were eager to explore the island and enjoy the scenery from land and sea. One of the highlights of their trip, as Zoe recalled when we first spoke on the phone, was a whale-watching cruise where they saw dozens of orcas! (Was I jealous? Yes, so jealous that it hurt.) Zoe had no idea that Liam planned to propose on the trip, but three days in, while checking out a cathedral in the Icelandic countryside, they walked onto a beautiful bridge where Liam got down on one knee and asked Zoe to marry him. She blacked out from excitement, but ultimately said YES!

These two are not only perfect for each other because they were the tallest guy & girl in their friend group (Liam is 6’8”, Zoe is 5’11”), but because they balance each other out effortlessly. Spending time with them and getting to know them, it was clear to me how Liam’s calm, cool energy brings Zoe comfort, and how Zoe’s creativity, sense of humor, and sweetness keeps Liam on his toes. Zoe may be a die-hard believer in astrological signs and their meanings, but Liam doesn’t mind—if it makes her happy, he’s into it.

I feel so lucky to be a tiny part of Zoe & Liam’s love story, and am looking SO forward to their wedding next summer. It’s sure to be the chicest, most laid-back and love-filled day ever. The countdown is on!!!